Senin, 09 Februari 2015

BIG Money Is Made NOT By Working Hard But By “Working” SMART!
I know...yes...this contradicts everything most people have been trained to think: “work hard and you will reach your goals in life”.

Well...let me ask you this – how many people do you know that work all month long 12-14 hour days and barely bring home a $3,000 paycheck?

I bet a lot!

Now, how many people do you know that bring:
without working at all...100% on autopilot...with absolutely NO human intervention?

I bet none!

Well, thats not know me now :-)

So, bottom line...there is nothing wrong with working hard. My father actually worked more than 15 hours a day for over 30 years and I respect that. He did everything he could do to support the family.

But the HUGE difference between my father and YOU and ME is that he didn't have another option...
if he had a way to bring those paychecks home without working so hard I can GUARANTEE he would have left his day job and enjoyed life as it should be enjoyed!

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